The Blunsdon Blog

The speedway racing season ends in October but track staff up and down the country work throughout the winter to prepare their tracks for the new season. The Blunsdon Blog shows our winter work at Swindon Speedway. Remember to visit the all singing / colour version on :

Location: Malmesbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

Trained as a teacher and then taught for over 20 years at a Wiltshire comprehensive, moving up to the giddy heights of Senior Teacher and then Assistant Headteacher. Taught English and, latterly, Information and Communication Studies (Computing). Gave up teaching and re-trained as a Ceramic Artist and work at The Malmesbury Pottery producing all manner of ceramic artefacts. Also offer computer consultancy work for individuals and small companies, sourcing hardware and software and giving instruction on implementation. Married with 2 children and happily working alongside Gerald and Punch every Thursday at Blunsdon.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Blunsdon Blog goes world wide!

Not only has the Blunsdon blog been featured in the News section of the Swindon Robins Speedway site, but it has also gone world wide and in colour.

Although I will continue to post details of our work on the track at Swindon here, I will also be adding it, and pictures (ooh ... aah) in our new web site together with a number of other track related materials.

The web site has been donated by our great friends at Tattinger Marsh (thanks Neil). The address is a bit of a mouthful so it's probably best to click the link below and then bookmark it so you can follow the "everyday saga of track working folk."

The Blunsdon Blog Web Site

To those who have already commented on the blog - thanks. It's great to get positive feedback.

The next posting will be after the day's work on Thursday 2nd November.



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