The Blunsdon Blog

The speedway racing season ends in October but track staff up and down the country work throughout the winter to prepare their tracks for the new season. The Blunsdon Blog shows our winter work at Swindon Speedway. Remember to visit the all singing / colour version on :

Location: Malmesbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

Trained as a teacher and then taught for over 20 years at a Wiltshire comprehensive, moving up to the giddy heights of Senior Teacher and then Assistant Headteacher. Taught English and, latterly, Information and Communication Studies (Computing). Gave up teaching and re-trained as a Ceramic Artist and work at The Malmesbury Pottery producing all manner of ceramic artefacts. Also offer computer consultancy work for individuals and small companies, sourcing hardware and software and giving instruction on implementation. Married with 2 children and happily working alongside Gerald and Punch every Thursday at Blunsdon.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Blog launches Glamour Calendar - free download

Responding to requests from its reader and fan, the Blunsdon Blog has launched the Glamour Calendar to beat all Glamour Calendars - the 2007 Blunsdon Blog Glamour Calendar.

And it's free to download on the all colour version of the blog, available at the link below.

The author of the blog wishes to make it quite clear that persons of a nervous disposition should refrain from viewing and downloading the 2007 Blunsdon Blog Calendar - the pictures are that hot! Phew!!

I'm not of a nervous disposition and in full command of all my faculties yet still wish to view, and possibly download a copy of the 2007 Blunsdon Blog Speedway Calendar. Please rush me to the site where I can feast my eyes and satiate my innermost desires!!


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