The Blunsdon Blog

The speedway racing season ends in October but track staff up and down the country work throughout the winter to prepare their tracks for the new season. The Blunsdon Blog shows our winter work at Swindon Speedway. Remember to visit the all singing / colour version on :

Location: Malmesbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

Trained as a teacher and then taught for over 20 years at a Wiltshire comprehensive, moving up to the giddy heights of Senior Teacher and then Assistant Headteacher. Taught English and, latterly, Information and Communication Studies (Computing). Gave up teaching and re-trained as a Ceramic Artist and work at The Malmesbury Pottery producing all manner of ceramic artefacts. Also offer computer consultancy work for individuals and small companies, sourcing hardware and software and giving instruction on implementation. Married with 2 children and happily working alongside Gerald and Punch every Thursday at Blunsdon.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ode to a speedway track

My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains
One minute past ....

John Keats got it just right. He didn't ride a speedway bike; he died in 1821! Yet his opening lines from the sublime Ode to a Nightingale sum up how I feel at the moment.

The weekend blog may appear here in the next day or so, according to how I feel, but the last two days have been shattering and the next two look to be the same. Saturday and today, Sunday, have been full on days at the track, and every part of my sad, pathetic little body is aching at the moment. When, after a glass of red wine, or four, I feel the muse, I will consign the happenings at Blunsdon to the computer.

For those desperate to know the latest - sorry, desperately and achingly sorry!


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